Things are coming along, and God is moving!
We have officially submitted an application to Helimission to be full-time overseas missionaries. We have never been so thrilled to hit the "send" button as when we sent off that email! We have been praying and waiting for 8 years to do that! It really reminds us how far God has brought us. When we first moved to Oregon a little over 4 years ago, for Michael to start flight training, we had no idea to what extent he would be trained. He is scheduled next week to take the last of 14 checkrides. FOURTEEN! He has received so much valuable training in both helicopters and airplanes, and we are so grateful. This week, my brother, Traber, spoke of reading in 1 Kings 8 when Solomon was dedicating the temple he had built for the Lord, and while praying he remembered from where and what the Lord had delivered His people. He spoke first and foremost about how God is faithful and merciful to us, and brings us along so far. Let us never forget to look back and be grateful for what God has done for us!
Adria reading "More Than an Adventure" - the story of Ernie Tanner, founder of Helimission |
We still have much to do in this journey and we have a lot of steps to complete before we would actually be placed in the field. The next step is rather exciting for us,
as we have been invited to Switzerland in June for Candidate Decision Camp. This is a week-long event, formatted in camp-style, at Helimission headquarters. It will be an opportunity for us and the director of Helimission, Simon Tanner, and other HM staff to pray and seek God's will for us. We will do service projects together and take hikes and worship together, along with up to 10 other potential HM missionaries. If both parties decide that it is God's will for us to be placed in the field, we would then proceed with the next steps: cultural training, a term at Bible College, language training, etc.
Please don't stop praying! We are just getting started! We are asking for all of our friends and family to pray for us to first love God above all else, and then love His people. We need His wisdom and direction, and truly want to be abandoned to all things of the world. Thank-you!
A recent flight over the Oregon coast |
Blessings from beautiful Oregon!
And may God richly bless your "harvest", whatever it is!
Michael and Fawn